Our Whole Lives (OWL)
Lifespan Sexuality Education offerings at Decorah UU
Thank you for your interest in learning more about Our Whole Lives (OWL). Below is the information that we have available regarding the 2017-2018 academic year offerings. We have also included below, a brief description of OWL. Please email Alicia Trout, alicia.jw.trout@gmail.com, regarding interest in participating or questions about OWL at Decorah UU.
7th/8th grade 2017-1018
The program will be Wednesday evenings during September thru April with May utilized as make-up dates from 6-7:30 pm. The program begins with 2 sessions for parents (September 13 and 20), with the OWL program starting September 27. There will be 26 sessions for the OWL participants during the school year. The group will be limited to 13 students. There will be a fee of $150 to cover material and training costs. Partial scholarships may be available. Please inquire if interested.
5th/6th grade 2017-2018
It is anticipated that OWL will be offered during the 2017-2018 academic year. This will most likely occur on Wednesday afternoons after school. The program will include 1 parent informational session, 1 parent-child orientation, and 8 weekly sessions.
There will be a fee of $50 to cover material and training costs, which includes a copy of the required book, It’s Perfectly Normal, for each family. The group will likely be limited to 13 students. Partial scholarships may be available. Please inquire if interested.