Location: Lingonberry
This month our congregation is observing the theme of courage. As exploration of that theme, we will use materials from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Tapestry of Faith workshop “Taking Politics Public.” In 1967 Arlington Street Church held a public, interfaith worship service, during which over 300 draft cards were collected, in direct violation of federal law. Some young men chose to burn their cards during the service. The Vietnam War was divisive for many Unitarian Universalist congregations. While some congregations actively supported draft resistance, provided sanctuary for draft resistors, and worked to help young men establish conscientious objector status, many UUs did not support overtly political actions like the one at Arlington Street Church. This workshop explores the questions that faced UU congregations and the UUA during the time of the Vietnam War, highlighting dilemmas that recur for UUs: How do we handle political dissent or witness in the context of congregational life? Are we able to live with a plurality of political and social opinions within our congregations? Service Leader: Karen Esterl
LIVESTREAMED VIA ZOOM: See Zoom Details for Sunday Services
Please note that masks are not required at this time.
Share-the-Plate – Special Share-the-Plate recipient for this week: Decorah UU Zoom Improvement Project. To donate to the plate recipient, you can Give Online. Or, if sending a check, please note “Share the Plate – ZOOM” in the memo line. Donations may be mailed to Decorah UU, PO Box 382, Decorah, IA 52101.
Topics: Politics