Location: The Lingonberry
Iowans will vote on an amendment to the Iowa constitution this November, which states in part, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.” What would this amendment mean if adopted? For example, could the Oneota Co-op continue to post a sign at their entrance that says, “This store is a firearm-free zone”? Decorah residents and gun safety advocates Julie Fischer and Joann Hagen will present a video about this amendment and discuss its implications. Join us for this important conversation! Service leader: Ellen Macdonald
All are welcome to join us at Sunday Fellowship either in-person (usually at the Lingonberry but the service description will note if it is elsewhere) or remotely via Zoom. We have transitioned back to an every-Sunday service.
LIVESTREAMED VIA ZOOM: See Zoom Details for Sunday Services
- Masks are required at indoor services but are optional at outdoor services.
- Speakers at services will have the option to remove their masks (Unless Covid numbers in Winneshiek County rise above “Medium”)
- Please join the service remotely if you:
- are unvaccinated;
- have any signs of illness now or in the last five days (feeling “bad,” cough, runny nose, fever, headache, body aches, intestinal symptoms, loss of taste or smell, etc.);
- have increased vulnerability;
- are uncomfortable gathering in public right now.
Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for July-August is Kid’s Lunch Club. To donate to the plate recipient, you can Give Online. Or, if sending a check, please note “Share the Plate” in the memo line. Donations may be mailed to Decorah UU, PO Box 382, Decorah, IA 52101.
Topics: Gun Control