Location: The Lingonberry
January 4 marked the birthday of Louis Braille, inventor of a tactile reading and writing system intended for visually impaired people. In November 2018, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that this day should be celebrated annually as World Braille Day, recognizing that access to written language is a critical prerequisite to the full realization of human rights. In this service, we will learn more about Braille the person, braille the system, and the reasons why braille continues to be a vital resource even in an increasingly digital world.
January 7 2024 – Bulletin -World Braille Day
Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for January/February is the Decorah OWL (Our Whole Lives) program. To donate to the plate recipient, you can Give Online. Or, if sending a check, please note “Share the Plate” in the memo line. Donations may be mailed to Decorah UU, PO Box 382, Decorah, IA 52101.
Topics: Accessibility